Memory capacity for maximum safety
The PMC module P512 is equipped with Reflective Memory for redundant memory structures in safety-critical applications. Reflective Memory is a memory technology which allows the user to access different memory components simultaneously to read from them or write on them in parallel. A big advantage of this technology is the extension of the available memory capacity due to the possibility to write to memory elements of different processors at the same time. In addition, deterministic real-time communication is possible in the network.
Each P512 module offers an LVDS channel with a connection speed of 230 MHz and 86 MB/s and supports multi mode transmission up to two meters. This makes it possible to integrate the PMC module into a mesh which connects all modules of the network to each other. For this, each CPU of the system needs a PMC module for the connection to the other computer(s) (two SBCs – one PMC module per SBC, three SBCs – two PMC modules per SBC etc.).
The P512 is a PMC mezzanine card suitable for any PMC compliant host carrier board in any type of bus system, i.e. CPCI, VME or on any type of stand-alone SBC in telecommunication, industrial, medical, transportation or aerospace applications. It supports 32 bits/33 MHz and is equipped with a 32 MB DDR2 DRAM. Appropriate PMC carrier cards in 3U, 6U and other formats are available from MEN or other manufacturers.