Moving up the product food chain from components and boards to integrated systems is a very common theme among embedded board suppliers. Getting there is another issue. What should a company do? Concurrent Computer Corporation has one solution, the iHawk VME, a commercial platform for mission-critical simulation, data acquisition, industrial, and aerospace applications. iHawk VME systems feature energy-efficient Intel Core multicore technology on a single-shot 6U VME/XS card.
At the heart of each iHawk solution is Concurrent’s RedHawk Linux real-time operating system. Compatible with the popular Red Hat Linux distribution, RedHawk features high I/0 throughput, fast response to external events, and optimized interprocess communications. RedHawk is the ideal Linux environment for complex real-time applications.
iHawk VME systems are ideal for real-time application environments that require ruggedized or special packaging. The systems also support Concurrent’s powerful NightStar development tool set. Users can debug, analyze, monitor, and tune their real-time applications on iHawk systems locally or remotely at application speed. Each tool runs nonintrusively, thus preserving the application’s deterministic behavior. NightStar tools allow developers to graphically view how their applications interact with the Linux kernel.