Gaining the tactical edge on the battlefield is becoming less about troop and tank deployments, but more about who has the smartest sensors, best Electronic Warfare (EW) techniques, and the most accurate radar systems.
As the U.S. defense budget shrinks and the military reduces its global footprint, funding for these applications remains steady, even increasing in some programs. According to Frost & Sullivan, radar contracts increased from a value of $3.27 billion in 2011 to $4.26 billion in 2012. The increased demand also places more pressure on system performance, driving innovation at the signal processing level so radar and EW systems can track every target and every signal. Often this performance is found in commercially developed, embedded signal processing components in open architecture designs.
This webcast of industry experts will discuss how EW and radar system designs leverage these components and overcome challenges such as reduced Size, Weight, and Power (SWaP) requirements.
Who: Moderated by John McHale, Editorial Director, Military Embedded Systems, OpenSystems Media
What: GE Intelligent Platforms, Pentek, Mercury Systems, and Thermacore sponsor a live OpenSystems Media E-cast, “Innovation in Radar and Electronic Warfare Systems Through Signal Processing”
When: Wednesday, January 29, 2014 (2:00 PM EST/11:00 AM PST)
Where: To attend the E-cast, participants can register for free at
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