The race to improve signal processing performance and capture density is never over. 4DSP’s FM788 XMC is designed to deliver performance for beamforming, direction finding, RADAR, and satellite communications. Based on Xilinx’s Virtex-7 and featuring eight 16-bit A/D channels running up to 250 Msps each, its design provides the largest channel count in this frequency range and the most onboard memory for real-time buffering of large data vectors. With four 10 Gbps optical transceivers, the FM788 can be directly connected to a remote storage system without any CPU involvement. “This approach of offering a way to digitize multiple analog channels, perform signal processing using the Virtex-7, and offload data to a storage system using optical connections on a single card overcomes the inherent limitations of bussed architectures,” said 4DSP CTO Pierrick Vulliez. “The FM788 provides predictable performance in a small form factor and reduces overall system power consumption.”
Editor's Choice Complete data acquisition, signal processing, and storage solution
Complete data acquisition, signal processing, and storage solution
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