These comments are based upon the last VSO meeting that was held in Scottsdale, Arizona in March. By the time you read this in June, the May meeting will also have taken place.
Late-breaking news at press time: The VITA 58 working group met in Long Beach in late May and is preparing to present an update on the newly proposed self-contained modules at a significant U.S. Army meeting in June. We’ll keep you apprised on what transpires.
Finally, be sure to check out our online e-cast archives for the latest video and audio updates on VITA 41, 46, and 48. See
VSO ANSI accreditation
Accredited as a Standards Development Organization (SDO) in June 1993 by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI), the VITA Standards Organization (VSO) meets every two months to address vital embedded bus and board industry standards issues. Information on ANSI/VITA standards is available on the VITA website.
VSO study and working group activities
Standards within the VSO may be initiated by a study group and developed by a working group. A study group requires the sponsorship of only one VSO member and is used to build interest in a standard. A working group requires the sponsorship of at least three VITA members, and the proposed work must fit within the defined scope of VITA’s accreditation with ANSI.
VITA 42 – Switched Mezzanine Card (XMC)
Extend PMC to include serial fabrics.
VITA 42.0 has been issued as a draft standard for trial use for an 18-month period that will expire in March 2007. VITA 42.1 and 42.2 have completed ANSI VITA ballots and have been recognized as American National Standards. VITA 42.3, PCI Express on XMC, has completed its ANSI VITA ballot and will be submitted to ANSI for recognition.
Develop a 3U/6U 160 mm deep Eurocard module with a high- density and high-performance connector capable of supporting both parallel and serial fabrics.
The working group is reviewing a list of items with the intent of submitting the final draft to an ANSI VITA ballot by summer.
ANSI/VITA 47 – Environmental Requirements
Add new requirements such as 3U and spray cooling to currently existing standard.
The working group has had several meetings and has assigned action items.
VITA 48 – Ruggedized Enhanced Design Implementation (REDI)
Define a general mechanical design implementation for circuit card assemblies that will enhance both their thermal performance and structural integrity.
Issues from the latest working group ballot are being discussed.
VITA 49 – Digital IF
Develop a new interconnect standard for passing a radio’s digitized IF data between computer boards.
The working group continues to discuss various aspects of the protocol.
VITA 50 – Best Cooling Practices for Electronic Modules
Develop a best practices guide for electronic module cooling.
The working group has put together a comprehensive outline for the initial effort and is currently soliciting people to input data.
VITA 51 – Reliability Prediction
Develop a better method for predicting electronic module reliability.
The working group is discussing their efforts with other groups with similar interests to eliminate overlap and duplication of effort.
VITA 52 – Lead Free
Determine how to meet current and impending lead-free regulatory requirements.
This working group is coordinating its efforts with LEAP (AIA Lead Free in Aerospace Project).
VITA 55 – Aurora on VME
Develop a standard for Aurora implementations in VME standards such as VITA 41.5, 42.5, and others.
Draft 0.4 has been released for comment. The working group is finalizing protocol characteristics.
Develop a standard ruggedized mezzanine form factor that is front loadable for 6U Eurocards.
The working group has had several telecons and is discussing connector requirements, testing, and methods for securing the mezzanine card to the base board.
VITA 57 – Mezzanine Standard for FPGA
Develop a mezzanine standard for direct FPGA I/O.
The working group is discussing alternatives and scoping out the work to be done.
VITA 58 – Electronic Module Standardization
Develop a form factor standard for ruggedized electronic modules.
The working group discussed the scope of the effort at the March VSO meeting. Another meeting is planned at the May VSO meeting.
For more information, e-mail John at [email protected].