This week Avionics Interface Technologies (AIT) released the Flight Simulyzer Loader, or F-SIM-LDR, its new ARINC-615A Data Loader. F-SIM-LDR can be a stand-alone, software-only, simple solution for ARINC-615A data loading on any PC or laptop running Windows or Linux. The intuitive and easy-to-use GUI application allows easy control and execution of ARINC-615A FIND, INFORMATION, UPLOAD, and DOWNLOAD operations. All operations are supported over both standard Ethernet LANs and ARINC-664/AFDX networks. F-SIM-LDR is ideal for use loading A380, B787, and B747‐B targets. It also supports ARINC-665 media set operations, and its GUI supports line maintenance and bench‐top loader applications.
AIT’s F-SIM-LDR is also delivered with a software development kit which provides command line tools and C/C++ software APIs supporting data load, Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP) and ARINC-665 media set operations. The Software Development Kit allows the F-SIM-LDR to be easily integrated into custom applications.