A force multiplier is often used to describe something gives one military a game-changing tactical edge over others. For the US military, unmanned aircraft platforms have been a force multiplier and will continue to be one. However, now the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) is opening the national airspace to unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) these platforms must now comply with FAA safety standards for technology such as DO-178 B and C for flight critical software as well as DO-254 for hardware. The rules for certification of these systems are still being defined, but safety certification experts are already applying these standards to future UAS avionics systems. This webcast of industry experts will discuss the challenges and solutions for managing avionics safety certification in unmanned aircraft.
Presented by: CES, dSPACE, RTI
<p><i>Speaker(s): Dr. Ulrich Eisemann (Senior Product Manager, dSPACE); David Barnett (Vice President, Products and Markets, RTI)