FPGA coprocessors allow designers to apply custom logic and algorithms to streams of remote sensor data. Typical applications include hardware simulation, communications, in-circuit diagnostics, military servers, signal intelligence, and image processing.
Acromag’s XMC-7A200 is an XMC mezzanine module enhanced with a Xilinx Artix-7 FPGA for low power consumption and 128M x 16-bit quad DDR3 SDRAM processing performance. The XMC-7A200 combines significant capabilities including high functionality and a balanced mix of I/O, all based on Xilinx’s latest Vivado development package.
Reconfiguration of the Artix-7 FPGA is possible via a direct download into the flash configuration memory over the PCI Express bus or the JTAG port. A four-lane high-speed serial interface over the rear P15 connector for PCI Express Gen 1/2 (standard), Serial RapidIO, or Xilinx Aurora implementations are supported. Rear I/O provides an eight-lane high-speed serial interface on the P16 XMC port. Select I/O or LVDS pairs plus global clock pairs directly to the FPGA via a rear P4 or P16 port.