The Extreme Engineering Solutions, Inc. (X-ES) XPedite7674 is a high-performance, 3U VPX-REDI SBC based on the Xeon D processor. The Intel Xeon D processor can provide up to 16 Xeon-class cores in a single, power-efficient System-on-Chip (SoC) package with native extended temperature support for up to 12 core-count SKUs.
A user-configurable Xilinx Kintex UltraScale FPGA delivers enhanced performance and security for a wide range of embedded computing applications. The XPedite7674 provides secure network interfaces by offering one 1000BASE-X Gigabit Ethernet interface from the FPGA and passing two CPU 10 Gigabit 10GBASE-KR Ethernet interfaces through the FPGA where a secure supervisor can monitor data packets.
The XPedite7674 supports additional I/O to the VPX connectors, including a SATA port capable of 6 Gbps, USB 2.0, RS-232/422/485 serial ports, GPIO, and High-Speed Serial (HSS) ports. The XMC site supports a x8 PCI Express Gen3-capable port and a SATA port, as well as XMC P16 I/O, mapping P1w9-X12d per VITA 46.9.