Verotec has added two additional 3U card cages to its portfolio. Conforming to DIN EN 50155:2008 Cat 12.2.11, the KM6 II RAIL units are optimized for use on rail rolling stock and other applications where a strong EMC screened card cage to mount standard 3U Eurocards is required. They have been third party tested by TUV Nord to DIN 61373 Category 1A for vibration, shock and impact. Two versions have been fully tested by TUV Nord: a 3U high, 84 HP wide 240 mm deep Universal unit and a 3U, 84 HP wide 180 mm deep Standard version. Other sizes are available to special order.
Ventilated EMC top and base covers are standard; plain covers are available as an alternative. Plain EMC overall closing panels are fitted at the rear of the unit and standard EMC front panels, fitted with beryllium copper fingers, are available in widths of 2 HP to 84 HP. H field attenuation is 40 dB at 2 MHz; E field attenuation is > 78 dB at 300 MHz with plain covers; > 72 dB with ventilated covers. Attenuation at 1 GHz is 28 dB for both versions.
For EMC integrity, all component parts are finished in conductive clear chromate to give ground continuity throughout the unit. To ensure enhanced strength and rigidity, the large profile tiebars are assembled to the end plates with two clinched fasteners, giving good resistance to shearing and twisting under vibration and shock.
To discuss your specific requirements for EMC screened shock and vibration resistant card cages, contact Verotec:
Tel: 603.821.9921
Fax: 603.821.9923
[email protected] or [email protected]
Verotec Inc
150 Zachary Road, Unit 6
Manchester, NH 03109