Category: Articles
If you thought Ethernet was only a command and control fabric, think again. At 10 Gbps, Ethernet is now ready to serve as the high-bandwidth data...
With changing political and even social environments driving demand for the latest “run-faster, jump-higher” processing wares, GPUs &...
Theft of sensitive military designs is not a new problem, but new technology development is providing a novel way to identify IP ownership and tr...
As multiprocessor systems such as those used in military DSP applications continue their rise in performance and power, it becomes increasingly c...
Time-triggered Ethernet represents a path to giving Ethernet networks the determinism they need to be viable in mission-critical, high-reliabilit...
VPX has a bright future in the defense arena, considered by many as next-generation VME. Mil/aero designers now have the flexibility to evaluate ...
A roundup of VITA/VSO study and working group activities
The ANSI/VITA 42 “XMC” standard defines performance as well as forward/backward compatibility with PMC modules. Andrew discusses a hy...