A roundup of the most recent VITA/VSO standards development activity including VXS (VITA 41), VPX (VITA 46), VITA 57.1, and VITA 58.
Category: Articles
Editor’s note: While it might be natural for some suppliers to focus on shiny, new, large military programs, Thomas Sparrvik of Kontron tol...
Editor’s note: Many in the mil embedded industry might be walking on egg shells or focused on negatives possibilities in the aftermath of S...
Editor’s note: Safety is imperative to keeping the skies friendly, and DO-178B has been keeping avionics systems engineers on the straight ...
For programmers, few experiences are more frustrating than multithreading an algorithm for a multicore application only to find the performance i...
To guarantee resource availability for time-critical tasks, safety-critical RTOSs utilize time partitioning. Most implementations, however, are e...
Safety- and security-critical functions in systems have been evolving for decades, providing increased functionality while becoming more complex....
Safety is a requirement in systems where failure could cause loss of human life or other catastrophic consequences. Developing safety-critical so...
The new VITA 62 (Power Supply Modules) committee was established, in the fall of 2008, to bring together suppliers and end users of power supplie...