Dr. Randall C Labrum introducing simple and effective treatments to quash pain Dr. Randall C Labrum, a prominent clinician and a former neuropath...
Category: News
Pixus Technologies, a provider of embedded computing and enclosure solutions, has released 3U versions of its low-cost open frame development pla...
SpaceABLE SM radiation-resistant transceivers have exceeded the minimal requirement of 2500 h of accelerated life test for GEO 20 years in-satell...
Curtiss-Wright, Green Hills Software and CoreAVI Collaborate to Deliver FACE(tm)-Aligned, DO-254/178 Safety-Certifiable Solutions Ashburn, Va. &#...
Military intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (ISR) sensors are essential to not only winning battles by maintaining the peace and keep...
TULIPP Use Cases TULIPP reference platform components Palaiseau, France – 30 October 2018. TULIPP (Towards Ubiquitous Low-power Image Proce...
Pentek’s Quartz RFSoC Development Platform UPPER SADDLE RIVER, NJPentek, Inc., today introduced the Model 8257 3U VPX development c...
ANDOVER, Mass. Oct. 25, 2018 Mercury Systems, Inc. (NASDAQ: MRCY, www.mrcy.com) announced the start of customer engagements for...
Henderson, NV – October 24, 2017 – VadaTech, a leading manufacturer of integrated systems, embedded boards, enabling software and app...
Abstract: This standard defines an environmentally sealed connector pair which is compatible with the backplane footprint as defined in VITA 62.0...