Model 52761 is a member of the Onyx® family of high-performance 3U VPX boards based on the Xilinx Virtex-7 FPGA. A multichannel, high-speed data converter with programmable DDCs (Digital Downconverters),it is suitable for connection to HF or IF ports of a communications or radar system. Its built-in data capture feature offers an ideal turnkey solution as well as a platform for developing and deploying custom FPGA processing IP.
It includes four A/Ds and four banks of memory. In addition to supporting PCI Express Gen. 3 as a native interface, the Model 52761 includes an optional connection to the Virtex-7 FPGA for custom I/O.
The Model 52761 features a complete beamforming subsystem. The DDC core contains programmable I & Q phase and gain adjustments followed by a power meter that continuously measures the individual average power output. A programmable summation block sums any of the four DDC core outputs, with a power meter, threshold detector and a programmable gain stage to compensate for bit growth. The sum can be selected for output across PCIe. Alternatively, for larger systems, local sums from several boards can be aggregated via a built-in Xilinx Aurora gigabit serial interface, daisy-chained through the P16 XMC connectors.
When used with the SPARK® Model 8267, a fully integrated VPX development system is assembled and delivered ready to use. This saves engineers andsystem integrators the time and expense associated with buildingand testing a development system that ensures optimum performance of Pentek boards.

Mario Schiavone
Director of Sales
One Park Way
Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458
fax: 201-818-5904
[email protected]